Tuesday, 13 April 2010

To Eat: Little Lamb

I follow a London foodie blog, Tamarind & Thyme and they posted a review on Little Lamb, a restaurant on Shaftesbury Avenue. Yum! Here is how they describe the restaurant experience followed by some pictures they took. It's been added to my "to eat" list:

"hotpot...a fabulous meal for cold days, [is] essentially a big pot of boiling hot stock (can be mild, can be spicy) in the middle of the table and a whole lot of raw ingredients to cook in it. The meal becomes quite a long and very social affair in which the food gets cooked little by little (the whole lot would never fit in the pot at one time) and after all has been cooked and eaten, the broth is so lovely to drink as it’s taken on all the flavours....we got to work deciding on the 30 dishes of raw ingredients we’d have between us. Yes, that’s right – 30 plates of food. For £20 a head, you get the broths of your choice plus five ingredients to toss in there. Multiply that by six and you end up with more food than your table can handle"