Tuesday, 30 March 2010

The Media Literate Mind Never....

Sometimes I think the Tube is one of the most stimulating places in London. With its random smells, sounds, and endless amounts of people watching. Granted, sometimes they are disturbing. A whiff of good perfume one day, the smell of poop another. Great live music tonight followed by loud noises from within the tube tunnel tomorrow morning. This is also true for tube adverts. Take a look:

#1 Coochie Friendly Ad

People! "Coochie" at "Loveyourvagina.com" At first glance, I thought I saw "Cookie" but then I opened my eyes and could not believe there was an ad, in one of the most popular places in London that spelled the word "Coochie"!!? I mean lets face it, British adverts are definitely more blatant than American ads, especially around drunk driving, smoking, etc but this was no public service announcement! Don't get me wrong, I think its great and it definitely brightened my day. Empowered "coochie" is much more fun to witness than waif, starving, airbrushed "coochie." And its for a great cause as it turns out! The "moon cup" which is an alternative to pads and tampons. It did a great job of catching my attention without making me feel bad, ugly, or fat and without degrading a woman! Can't get too upset about that!

#2 Coochie unfriendly ad!

What the eff is this? I mean don't get me wrong, I kinda want those jeans, but it's not because of some freakishly ridiculous ad. It's because British fashion is getting the best of me and I can't resist. Anyway, are we so out of ideas to sell clothes that we have to make some model's airbrushed body look all mangled up? The emotional reaction I get is not "I want" but "ouch!" Nice work Miss Sixty, but perhaps you should take a lesson from Diesel...

#3 Sex Sells (hopefully safely!)

Diesel's is not messing around (no pun intended) with their current storefront campaign! Not that I think this is anything less than a marketing ploy, but I do appreciate their gall to get straight to the point! Still doesn't make me want to buy their jeans!

*btw, this picture was taken in front of the Diesel store near Hyde Park, not inside a Tube station


  1. OMG the coochie ad! I freaking love it, especially cause it's promoting sustainable toiletry items :) And I also love the diesel storefront!

    mangled lady parts? no thanks.
